Monday, March 2, 2009

1st block pieced

Well, I've read the lesson several times and created my 1st block for the class. I plan to create one more so that I have two blocks to stitch on for the class.

I like the "color" sites that are listed in the lesson. I think I understand the "lines" information in the lesson, but not sure if that really matters to me when I'm piecing a block. I think the look / design changes with every addition to the block.

Wish I had more time to work on the "color" chart/journal. I'll just have to keep track of these lessons and work on it a little bit at a time/over time.

I think I'm ready for week 2 lesson.


  1. Jody, I really love the palette of colors you chose, the blue just makes the block pop! And the striped fabric will be wonderful to keep the eye moving.

    It's gonna be so cool to see how each of our blocks progress. Just wondering what out "instructions" will include this week!

  2. Like the look of this block. Libby
